How Gifts are Shared

Together We Serve was designed as a sign of unity in the local Church – Catholics working together to build the Kingdom of God. All Together We Serve beneficiaries are fully supported by Archbishop Smith, and all play an important role in building up the Church and carrying out her mission at home and abroad.


St. Joseph Seminary

St. Joseph Seminary logoSJS forms diocesan priests for Western Canada and beyond. It offers men a chance to grow in their faith and love as they discern God’s call. SJS currently has 30 men in formation, including 11 who are studying for the Archdiocese of Edmonton.

“Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth. Just as you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world.” (John 17:17-18)

In John’s gospel, Jesus prays before his arrest and speaks to the Father of his hopes for the world. The education, formation, and uplifting of our future priests will always be part of our shared mission.

St. Joseph Priests’ Foundation of Edmonton

The Foundation provides a modest retirement income and other assistance to ensure the dignified care of Archdiocesan priests when they retire or can no longer serve in active ministry.

“During the time young Samuel was minister to the Lord under Eli. . .Eli understood that the Lord was calling the youth” (1 Samuel 3: 1; 8)”

As the elderly priest Eli guides young Samuel, our retired priests are a continued gift to the Church that need our support.

Diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith

Our twin diocese is one of the world’s largest dioceses in geographical area, and home to about 28,000 Catholics – primarily Dene, Métis, and Inuvialuit peoples. TWS support helps to build the spiritual health of the community.

“The heavens declare God’s glory; the work of his hands the skies proclaim. Day after day they utter speech; night after night they show knowledge. There is no speech and there are no words where their voice is not heard.” (Psalms 19:1)

The psalmist describes the natural beauty of world, rooted in the reach of God’s word, reflective of the setting for our neighbouring diocese. As the largest geographical Diocese in the world, and working with many Indigenous Peoples’ in remote communities in the North, we are called to support our northern diocese in the sharing of the gospel.


St. Joseph’s College (UofA)

SJC has been an integral part of the University of Alberta for almost one hundred years. It offers over 70 credit courses, attracting more than 2,600 enrollments each year. The academic program is enhanced by a flourishing worshipping community and on-campus residences for 350 men and women.

“like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season” (Psalms 1:3)

The Psalmist introduces its book by showing the importance of being rooted in God to navigate life. St. Joseph’s College engages young people at key moments in their lives, empowering them, through the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, to serve others and live faith in the world.

Newman Theological College

NTC provides Catholic theological education for seminarians, clergy, religious and lay students preparing for Christian leadership, ministry and service.
NTC graduates serve the Church as priests, deacons, teachers and administrators, institutional chaplains, parish pastoral assistants, youth ministers, and catechists.

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path” (Psalms 119:105)

The Psalms, part of the Wisdom tradition, constantly remind us to turn towards God. Newman shows us the importance of training and uplifting future servants for the Church in its mission.

Evangelization of Peoples

Supports pastoral and evangelization work in missionary dioceses around the world, including: the promotion and the formation of the clergy and of local hierarchies, encouraging new missionary institutes, and providing material assistance for the missionary activity of the Church.

“Go therefore, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the son, and the holy spirit. Teaching them to keep all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always until completion of the age.” (Matthew 28:19)

At the end of Matthew’s gospel, the great commission is given. Because of Matthew’s audience, and presentation of Christ as an archetype of Moses, this shows the importance of Christ’s message to all peoples.


Catholic Social Services

Inspired by God’s love, Catholic Social Services is guided by faith to care for and bring hope to people in need with humility, compassion and respect. Each year CSS serves over 20,000 people in Edmonton and across central Alberta, assisting women leaving abusive relationships, homeless youth, people with disabilities, recovering addicts, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and families.

You will love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your soul and with all your strength…The second is, You will love your neighbour as yourself” (Mark 12:30-31)

In Mark’s gospel, focusing on Christ’s incarnation, Jesus reminds us that throughout Scripture love of God is intimately connected with love of neighbour. Catholic Social Services reminds us to actively love our neighbour in healing others’ pain and difficulty through acts of service.

SSVP – Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The purpose of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Edmonton Central Council is to provide leadership, coordination and support services for the 19 SSVP conferences that serve the poor directly in their communities. Conference members (Vincentians) strive to ensure that clients have the essentials for a dignified life.

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a charitable organization entirely run by volunteers. We provide assistance to those in need through distributing items donated by the public. We respond to 1200 SSVP Hotline calls for help each month, going out in pairs to visit people in need. Once needs are assessed, basic necessities are then delivered.

We bring the love of Christ to serve the poor on a person to person basis. Those in need are always treated with dignity and provided with support as they struggle in crisis situations.

Needs of the Church in Canada

Supports the work of our Canadian bishops in national and international pastoral activity, including social justice, ecumenical and interfaith relations, collaboration with Indigenous Peoples, life and family issues, liturgy, and catechesis.

“The community of believers was of one heart and mind. . .” Acts 5:32

In the books of Acts, the earliest Christian community reflects on how it supports the needs of the local Church. The Bishops guide the needs of the local Church, as did the Apostles in the early Church.

Pope’s Pastoral Works

Two-thirds of the funds collected directly support the pastoral mission of the Holy Father in his service to the Universal Church by financing the various Secretariats, Dicasteries, Academies, and other institutions of the Holy See.

The other third supports the fund known as Peter’s Pence, which, in addition to supporting the needs of the Holy See, also devotes a portion of the money to charitable projects.

Needs of the Church in the Holy Land

Supports Christians in the Holy Land and maintenance of Christianity’s most holy sites. Funds are used for the protection and upkeep of shrines, basilicas and churches and to help with pastoral work, Catholic schools, and the needs of convents and social assistance as the proportion of Christians is shrinking in the Holy Land.

“What we had heard we now see in the City of the Lord of Hosts, In the city of our God established forever and ever.” (Psalms 48:9)

God has always had a special place for Jerusalem, and today the needs of Christians in the Holy Land represent a shrinking minority, that need your support to be a presence for future pilgrims.

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